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炎炎夏日,是不是無心工作學習,隻想到美美的地方玩耍?最近,權威旅行指南雜志《孤獨星球》(Lonely Planet)就評出瞭2018亞洲十佳旅行地,和雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)一起來圍觀吧.

1、中國 四川 Sichuan Province, China

Far-flung villages, towering skylines, giant pandas and fiery cuisine; Sichuan province is a microcosm of modern China, and 2018 is bursting with reasons to go.


Cosmopolitan Chengdu has become one of the country's design and tech hubs, which also means a mushrooming of luring brewpubs and boutique hotels.


Up north, the exceptional Jiuzhaigou National Park has reopened to limited numbers of visitors after the 2017 quake, while down south spiritual experiences reign supreme: gain perspective surveying the Le Shan Grand Buddha or climb Emei Shan to absolve a lifetime’s sins.


2、釜山 韓國 Busan, South Korea

In repose between mountains and sea, Busan is a stunning confluence of scenery, culture and cuisine.


It’s long been domestically lauded as the country’s best beach getaway, but South Korea’s second largest city packs an eclectic offering of activities to suit all travellers: hike hills to Buddhist temples, settle into sizzling hot springs and feast on seafood still a-wriggle at Jagalchi, the country’s largest fish market.


3、胡志明市 越南 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Aging apartment blocks are being colonised by vintage clothes stores and independent coffee shops, innovative breweries like Heart of Darkness and East West Brewing are fuelling one of the best craft beer scenes in Southeast Asia, and a selection of eclectic venues are strengthening the local music scene.


4、西高止山脈 印度 Western Ghats, India

The Western Ghats offer an atmospheric mirror to Shimla and Darjeeling, with added jungle appeal.


Visit now and you’ll find coffee, tea and spice plantations, charmingly dated colonial outposts, thundering waterfalls, and even a steam-powered mountain railway, while evading the crowds who mob the northern uplands.


5、尼泊爾 藍毗尼 Lumbini, Nepal

A new international airport is under construction, offering a new, safer route into Nepal.


For decades, Lumbini was somewhere travellers flashed through en route from India to Nepal, often unaware that they had passed within yards of the birthplace of the historical Buddha. Today, Lumbini is on the ascendancy, but despite its heritage, this sacred site remains a sleepy detour off the backpacker trail.


However, change is apace; a new international airport is under construction, and ever-more aweing比基尼線除毛費用 temples are springing up. While these developments may finally be the catalyst that brings Lumbini the attention it deserves, the town’s cardinal draw will remain its tranquillity – embodied by the rare sarus cranes that stalk the wetlands around the World Peace Pagoda.

然而,改變是迅速的;新的國際機場正在建設中,更多令人敬畏的廟宇正在湧現。這些發展可能最終成為催化劑,給藍毗尼帶來應有的關註, 小鎮的主要景點仍會保持著寧靜,珍稀的丹頂鶴棲息於世界和平塔周圍的濕地,就恰好體現瞭這一點。

6、斯裡蘭卡 阿魯加姆灣 Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

Renowned as a long-time surf haven, the town boasts breaks to satisfy all levels.


Here you’ll find barefooted boarders sprawled outside vegan cafes and scrawled signs on hotel doors reading: ‘gone surfing, back soon.’


If the turquoise swells can’t tug you in, Arugam has authentically grown its on land offering, with an increase in beachside bars and makeshift music festivals; plus a handy proximity to Kumana National Park, home to leopards, elephants and crocodiles.



? Busan, South Korea 韓國釜山


? Uzbekistan 烏茲別克斯台北皮秒雷射


? Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 越南胡志明市


? Western Ghats, India 印真皮秒雷射度西高止山脈


? Nagasaki, Japan 日本長崎


? Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁


? Lumbini, Nepal 尼泊爾藍毗尼


? Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka 斯裡蘭卡阿魯加姆灣


? Sichuan Province, China 中國四川


? Komodo National Park, Indonesia 印尼科莫多國傢公園




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